Mike Hindle studied Fine Art at West Surrey College of Art and Design. Having exhibited work regularly and becoming a full time painter since moving down to Cornwall in 1992, Mike’s work is inspired by the rugged Cornish coastline. Walking holidays in the Lake District when he was young inspired Mike’s love for the beauty and majesty of the wild landscape.

Mike Hindle first exhibited with Beside The Wave in 1998.

Mike explains that when you’re standing on these perilous cliffs the landscape is constantly moving around you, the sea, the sky and the wind. Hence, he no longer uses brushes but rather exclusively utilises palette knives when painting Cornwall. Seeing as so much of the work consists of harsh, solid rock a palette knife lends itself perfectly to creating dense and confident marks, as well as small quick dashes to emulate the movement of water.

“Painting in an experimental way, discovering new things. What else can I try, what else can I find? I believe it is my duty as an artist to take those gambles and make those leaps. That’s where the discovery is.” – Mike Hindle